Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Basic Tips about How to Set SEO Targets!

Setting SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Targets for any company which has outsourced the work to save cost is a really tough job. After all, its not just about keywords, or impressions or brand visibility. It's all :)

Setting targets, which in turn, includes setting an estimated amount of time in which we will obtain a certain amount of traffic. If we become too ambitious, we become impractical. We have to be reasonable while setting our targets and goals.

Getting the Ideas!
Consistency in setting those targets and goals is the key. A realistic duration or time frame goes a long way in building a proper SEO strategy. Setting daily reminders to remind you of your targets is a good way of keeping us active. To get an idea, we can take the help of all the SEO's we have as friends.

Process and Steps!
Don't fix monthly goals. Take baby steps, dividing the goals into daily or weekly targets that are easily obtainable. Rejoice in your successes. Take some time off when you get to your planned milestones.
Also, keep a track of your results and check back on your progress. This should keep you motivated. Make precise and clear goals. The best strategy is to work on one goal at a time.

And last, but definitely notthe least, learn from your mistakes and never get depressed over failures. Well, that holds true for life as well as for SEO!

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